Sunday, September 13, 2009

In the beginning there was facebook. And it was good.

On day while procrastinating from writing a paper, I decided to jump on Facebook real quick. "Hey, what is this? A 'Where in the world should you live' quiz" who could resist? Of course I took that joker. You'll never guess where it told me I should live? AUSTRALIA! Hey! Why not? I'm game. So, as a joke I updated my status to, "The Lord spoke to me, I'm suppose to live in Australia!"
Brian (the good man that he is) said he would go with me. After a few jokes here and there, we thought about it...why not? we are...planning a trip to New Zealand and Australia.
It is working out kinda crazy--everything is coming at once. I'm planning on graduating in December, then December 31st-Jan 9th I'll be in Israel (with my school). Then Brian and I will be flying out of Los Angeles Jan 13th and we'll be gone till March 4th. I will come back to New Orleans then to go to Greece (with my school) on March 11-23rd. And from there maybe a little trip home and then BOOM off to camp in the summer.
I feel like I am living in a surreal world. I can hardly believe what I have ahead of me. I am so excited that this dream of traveling is turning into a reality.

I am on a strict budget...ya know, only buying a cup of ice when I go out and working 40+ hours a week while taking 15 hours of school...but it's cool. It will totally be worth it.
I am excited about this blog, it is going to keep everyone (or just those of you who are interested in following us at least) up to date with our planning and the journey. We will be posting pictures & blogging about the trip.
Until next time...

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