Saturday, January 16, 2010

Can we get some ice for our chilly bin?

Well, we have had a tough time finding internet over here. It seems wifi isn't as popular, and if they have it, it's 8-10$/hr. We have written a few blog entries during the travels so far, so they will just be uploaded as one. We are having a blast though, and can't wait to find more reliable internet so we can upload some pictures. It's GORGEOUS here!

btw, these are from both Nicole and I

Well, we've made it to The Land Down Under! We had a 12 hour lay over in Australia which made us decide to wander around Brisbane! After some research,we found out that it was going to cost us about $30.00 round-trip from the airport into the city and back. So...first mode of transpertation: a landy named Val and her friend Larry. ha. Val sat next to us on the way to Aus. She was a Brandy drinkin' kind of-a-granny!after her Brandy and Diet Coke, she talked about about The Hangover, and her New Year's Eve party. She and Larry dropped us off downtown Brisbane.
It's a bit hot here...but for the most part the weather has been really nice.

They dropped us off right outside the gates to the Brisbane botanical gardens. The gardens were right along the Brisbane river and made for a nice walk through some well manicured flower gardens. From there we headed into the city towards the Queen Street mall. The mall is pretty nice, with all the stores being accessible from a pedestrian only street that runs through the middle. We have found that pretty much every girl here wears ugly gladiator sandels, with equally as hideous high waisted skirts and monstrous belts. After dodging the gladiators for a couple hours in the mall we decided to cross the Brisbane river and walk aroudn the center of performing arts. That's where we are now, writing as we watch boats go up and down the river, and yes...more gadiators.

We will take the train back to the airport soon to catch our 6:30pm flight to Auckland, where we will wait for another 6 hours or so until we can pick up our rental car on Saturday morning at 8am. I can't wait to get to NZ and start exploring the beautiful scenery!

Well, we just arrived in Auckland. I was an idiot and had to mention that the tent wasn't brand new. New Zealand has some strict rules on soil and biological contamination so this resulted in the tent being further inspected. Luckily, it passed their standards and we were free to go. Nicole was a little worried about us being kicked out of the airport for sleeping overnight here, but our worries were put to rest rather quickly when we turned the corner and found at least 15-20 other backpackers in the same type of situation as us. Pretty much every couch, bench, and floor space with any darkness around was taken; most occupied by people in mummy sleeping bags, awaiting their next adventure. We found a place to camp out in here and are assessing our shower prospects. Who would have thought the airport would have shower facilities?

It has been a long couple days of traveling, but we are stoked to get our car in the morning and start touring the islands.

We got our car this morning, a 1997 Nissan Sunny. It's not pretty or luxurious, but it's going to get us around great. Driving on the opposite side of the road has been entertaining a few times already, hopefully there will be no issues.


WOW! TOday was amamzing. We drove to the Coromandel Peninsula. The drive was a twisty road full of cliffs overlooking beaches with lush, deep forest.
The drive was so beautiful!
After we reached Hahei we needed
a place to stay. Wilderness camping on the North Island is not as easy as we thought, so we stopped in at a camp site...they wanted 65 bucks for us to stay there. If you know anything about Brian and I--it's that we're CHEAP! Thanks but no thanks. We figured out that each campsite charges per person! so...after a few people told us "no, we could not camp in their yard" we went to the next campsite Hot Beach Holiday Park. We wanted to only pay for one of us. I mean, why did we have to pay 40 to put our tent there for a night? $20 seemed so much nicer. Well the plan was for me to walk away and Brian was going to get a "one man site". A few moments later...Brian comes out to where I was, "I can't do it! I get all figity." SO...plan B. I went in and got a site for one! Typical! I also jacked the salt and pepper, zip-lock bags from security in the Auk airport,and ketchup from McDonalds! I've got to live up to the Ruggiano name!!

We set up camp. Hung out with our neighbors (Justine and Marious--from Norway and Michigan!), went to a near by beach and made it to bed by 1020pm.

This morning we went to Cathedral Cove. So amazing! We got soaked and Brian almost lost his skater shoes and sunglasses. We are driving down the raod again and we have Brian's shoes tied to the side mirror and some clothes hanging out of the window drying! haha. We are so awesome!
We are going to go hike the Pinnacles now. Hopefully Brian's shoes will be a little bit Things are going excellent. We are having a great time. Still so surreal. Keep praying for us. :)

I'm dying to see the SAINTS score!!!


  1. loving the stories!!! Keep us posted and enjoy!!!

  2. HEY ACOLE and Brian!!! So glad to hear that you made it and are having an awesome time!! The Saints score was 45-14. They had a BIG win!!! Molly Kate and Jack say, "WHO DAT!!!!!!!" Keep the updates coming. I can't wait to see the pics.
    Take care and be careful! :)
