Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sand flies...EVERYWHERE!!!!


After staying at the campground at Bark Bay, we headed back on the kayak. Since we explored the islands the previous day we decided to stay along the coast and stop at a few beaches on the way back. We had taken along the ipod dock and speakers which ended up being so awesome. We would just kayak down the coast, listening to music and singing along. We were making really good time which allowed us to relax, take a nap on the beach, and I got to do a little snorkeling. We took our little break, met another random German traveler (lots of Germans over here!) and headed towards the kayak pickup spot. The tide was really high when we landed, making things much easier. We got our stuff back to the kayak company and headed back to their base camp for complimentary showers and free internet. It was nice to check in and say hi since we had been out of communication for a couple of days. Nicole had developed the most awesome raccoon eyes tan, which I think will take quite a while to go away...and...I'm about to throw her shoes into the nearest rubbish bin. The smell coming from those Chaco's is nothing short of extraordinary.

We left the kayak company and decided to pay for a legit meal in town. Both of us were craving pizza and we found a great little pizza joint in town. Pizza with bbq sauce, bacon, pepperoni, and cheese really hit the spot. We finally got on the road to head south, where we found New Zealands largest swingbridge. We pulled into the parking lot to check it out and I guess they don't lock the place up after hours because the gate was wide open, and of course we couldn't understand the signs reading "do not enter without paid ticket". We got some great pictures on the bridge, it was super high off of the water and bouncing all over the place.

As it was getting dark, we did our usual search of the closest DOC (Department of Conservation) campsites. We stayed at the Lyell campsite with views up the valley that looked like it came straight out of a king kong jungle movie. We woke up in the morning to our first bad experience with sandflies...if only we would have known how much worse they could get.


Today was a drive day. We made our way to Pancake Rock. It was so beautiful. It is this place where the waves will come up and hit these rocks (that look like pancakes all stacked ontop of one another...thus the name) and there will be a huge blow hole effect. Unfortunately, we hit pankcake rock at low tide...wamp wamp! But it was still very pretty. We also hiked out to a seal conony. I love those darn little guys, they are just so cute! We watched the seals for a while and then made our way back to the car. All the while I am having a REAL hard time enjoying myself in New Zealand knowing that the Saints are playing the Vicking for the Superbowl and I am not near a TV! Eventually, we drive through this little town and there is a bar, so I run in and what do you know? The game is already on! HOORAY! It was the 4th quarter, 28 all! NAIL BITER! ha I am the ONLY Saints fan in the room. Fair enough, I cheer my boys on and...oh yes, sweet victory! Made my day! Brian was REAL glad they won because he knew that I'd made a read bad traveling budding if they didn't!
We arrive to Franz Josef Glacier and took a little hike, enjoyed the city and bit and off we went agian to find a place to sleep...and we did. We found this sweet beach. Pitched a tent and made a fire on the beach. It was so great. We took some picture and listened to Bob Marly around the fire. Not too bad of a night.


So we have this great night on the beach with waves and what not, and we're totally psyched to hit the trail! We've heard nothing but great things about this trail. WAIT...and by "we" I mean Brian. I know NOTHING about this trail or the fact that it's TWELVE FREAKIN' MILES ONE WAY!!!!! But I'm game. Let's do this! First things first. Get there. BOOM! Accomplished. Next thing...find where the trail starts...hmmm a bit more challenging. This joker was not laid out quite as obvious as good ol' Rocky Mountain National Park. There are no signs as to where we are to start this trail. Brain takes a picture of the map (that is in the parking lot and says, "looks like we're just suppose to follow the river." Good grief. We followed the river. jumping from rock to rock. It was a little bit frusturating not knowing where we were going and knowing. BUT we pressed on until we found the trail. The trail was a butt-busting 12 miles long, with our packs (mine: 20ish lbs, Brians: 27ish lbs), in the sun, and in sandles (yes, in sandles, I did the whole trail in my Chacos and Brians did the tail in his Reefs). As hard as the trail got and as tired as we were, we kept in mind the hot-tub. Up at the top there was a great "natural hot tub" so we were pretty excitd to make it to camp.
After crossing some of the sketchiest bridges...(with signs that say, "max load: 1 peron"); having hardly any food and maybe a melt down or 12 by Nicole we made it to the top!!! YAY! go us. OH and that 76 year old and her 98 year old husband YAY for them flippin' too!!! Nothing like feeling great about yourself after hitting the peak only to meet old people up there too!
SO the HOT SPINGS! Here we come. Well, we change and head off to find just the right pool...I put one foot in and sink about 3-4 inches in this gross green very fine mud. I needed to have a little pep-talk with myself "Whatever, just get over it, you've made it to the top now just forget about your mud in your pants petpeev and enjoy the day." SO I SIT down in the mud-tub, I mean, hot pool. Sinking into the mud was one thing--even worse than sinking into the stinkin' mud was the sand-flys. They are little Satans, put on this earth to eat flesh and make all of man kind miserable. SO now any part of your body that was not under the water (by the way, the spring was only about 2 feet deep), was being feasted on by the millions of swarming sand-flys. I HAD ENOUGH! I'm getting out. I was a little ticked. I don't know if it was being so tired, my body hurting so badly, the mud ALL OVER ME, or the sand-flys that would not stop eatting me--or maybe just a combo of it all, but all I wanted was a shower and and bed. So I get out in search of the hose and rise off with my clothes on in the freezing cold water, I put the hose all over me and get as much of the mud off as I can. I rinse my hair. I'm feeling a little bit better, freezing, but better. I head back to the changing room place and pull off my pants to discover that my panties are FULL OF GREEN MUD! 2nd pep-talk to myself "Nicole, don't freak out! This is ok. All you have to do is get BACK under the freezing water and rise off again, don't kill Brian, don't cry, don't hate New's ok!" So I head back to the hose for cold shower #2. I am laughing about it now...and just remember those very panties are wadded up in my backpack...hummm...I better take them out and let them get some fresh air.
Anyway, it was a heck of a day, but we pitched tent in this great meddow surrounded by mountains. It was beautiful. It was such a nice night we didn't even put the rain-fly on. The stars were brillant and it was a nice night's sleep. Good times had by all. :)


  1. I love the name of the's too short not to have the fun you are having. The rest of us are here thinkin'....wish i'd done that!! Stay safe and see all that you can see!!!!
